How To Trade Like The ‘Market Wizards 1

Hello Traders,

I am Joshua, a trader like you. I have been trading for over 5years now. This has come to my mind that i should use my experience in trading to increase the knowledge of up coming traders to have a link where they can also tap knowledge.

Initially, my thought was Forex Trading is no go area and the business is not for me. Couple with family issues and other extended and inner emotions. In actual fact, there is a spirit behind forex trading therefore, only those who are spiritually strong can make it in forex.

A friend of my called me very early in the morning in 2010 and told me that; " Mr Olaitan! forex trading is too risky a lot of people in my church have loose money that they borrow from people as a result of that, i will advice you to stop it" Unfortunate for me that was the period i lost my teaching job. Life was terrible and unfair to me. My wife mounted a pressure on me then i became afraid. All my trading account was lost, i couldn't tell my wife what was going on and at the same time getting another teaching to solve the problem was not coming forth. It was like spiritual attack to me. Within me there was a strong conviction about making it in forex but the voice was faintly, i can not pick from the spiritual realm into reality. Even till this present time some of my colleagues are on the fence of indecision. They are afraid of loosing their money, they want to go back to the basis. They don;t want people to make mockery about their failure yet, they are not comfortable with their present job. Dear traders, i am bringing this to let you know that, inadequate knowledge about forex trading can make you to burn several accounts and even loose your hard earn money to brokers.
Later i got to understand that there is no spirit contriling forex trading but traders determined the trend of the market. Conversant with information and news around helps to make decisions and plan on the step to take in forex trading. I have decided to seek for more information and married it with technical analysis. On the journey to seek more information, i came across my best friend who has being into this business for some years back and a good technical trader, who is also a writer. One of my friends mention his name and his site to me in a forum since then i subscribed to his mail since 2010 and i have being enriched with good information from him. I will like to share some his write ups and articles on my blog for some week from now on. This article i am going to tag them as series 1-5 sharing in this article, Nail fuller interview experience traders and successful forex trader. I will want you to sit back and enjoy this unpolluted information that will help you make the write decision in forex trading. Here is the first series and our comment on each Quotes of these forex Gurus of the our time.
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Have a wonderful trading experience


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